• Question: why did u chose to work with RACE UKAEA

    Asked by 286eneq22 to Oliver on 1 Mar 2019. This question was also asked by #STEAM.
    • Photo: Oliver Moore

      Oliver Moore answered on 1 Mar 2019:

      It may sound corny, but I really wanted to be at the forefront of engineering. I wanted to genuinely be a part of delivering something that would be revolutionary. UKAEA is delivering Fusion, which will significantly change the world energy crisis for the better.

      When I found out about the RACE department I was eager to be a part. RACE is working on robotic systems which will be deployed in harsh environments where humans cannot go. For example, I am currently working on systems which will be deployed in a radioactive hot cell. If humans were to enter this hot cell they would die in approximately a minute – so it’s best we design robots to enter instead! This kind of interesting work makes me happy and content to be working in the RACE department of UKAEA!
