• Question: What age were you when you became an engineer?

    Asked by 952eneq22 to Leah, Aleks, Oliver, Lesley on 1 Mar 2019. This question was also asked by $umm£r, 869eneq23, 382eneq24, 294eneq24, 252eneq24.
    • Photo: Leah Morgan

      Leah Morgan answered on 1 Mar 2019: last edited 1 Mar 2019 2:33 pm

      I was 22 years old, the same age I am now! My degree was in physics so I’d never done engineering before starting this job 🙂

    • Photo: Lesley Colquhoun

      Lesley Colquhoun answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      I technically became an engineer when i graduated from uni, soo… 21/ 22 i think!

      I messed up my 5th year at school and could have been one year earlier buuut didn’t pay enough attention and failed quite a bit! thankfully had 6th year to fix it!
