• Question: do you find your job challenging?

    Asked by 356eneq43 to Oliver, Graeme on 13 Mar 2019. This question was also asked by 967eneq23.
    • Photo: Graeme Burt

      Graeme Burt answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      Yes, thats why I love it. I love to solve problems and challenging. If you are not challenged in your job it would be very boring. I worked in a shop once, not challenging and very boring.

    • Photo: Oliver Moore

      Oliver Moore answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      There are many parts of my job which are very challenging, but this is what makes it all the more interesting. In RACE we develop systems for remotely operating in ‘challenging environments’; this is places where due to conditions such as radiation, high temperature, the usual strategies of performing tasks are not applicable. For this reason, we have to develop systems which enable us humans to remotely operate in those areas; without breaking due to the radiation and without endangering humans, this is challenging!
